This Labor Day week, show your support for your community by buying local! Local business are started and run by hard-working individuals with a commitment to bringing something good into our town. They pulled themselves up by the bootstraps and all of their accomplishments have been made through determination and sweat of the brow. The don't have big corporations backing them up, offering the benefits, providing insurance... they are totally self-supporting. They provide jobs in our town and make our town a better place to live.
That is what being American is all about! Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are inherently ours because we were born in this great country. The American dream is to break out of the corporate grip and do something new, original, and individual... to make it in your own business venture! We are a nation of self-made people, innovators, inventors, and leaders in business. When we loose sight of that, we loose sight of the very fabric this country was founded on.
About Our Community
Oakwood, GA
Oakwood City Hall |
Oakwood, located in the southern part of Hall County Georgia, is a growing, thriving community with a population of approximately 4,000.
Oakwood Park |
Oakwood native, Melanie Olvera, speaks on the growth of Oakwood:
" When I was a child back in the early 70's, Oakwood was a very small town. All of those stores and restaurants on Mundy Mill Rd. were not there. We had a couple of small gas stations, a couple of banks and a general store. We had to go to Gainesville for groceries and all the way to Atlanta get to a mall. It's been fun watching Oakwood grow and prosper throughout the years.
Train Crossing ~ Main Street Oakwood |
It feels me with pride to see all of the commerce that has come to Oakwood. I see local businesses as an asset to our community."
Oakwood Post Office |
Georgia native Charles Pharr, Jr., better known as Mr. Aardvark, began his career operating his family-owned thrift store in 1994, selling mostly used furniture. It was not long before he fell in love with the craftsmanship, beauty, uniqueness, long-lasting quality, and increasing value of antique furniture -- the type of furniture he wanted for himself and for others to enjoy.
In 1997, Charles decided to pursue his passion full time and Aardvark Antiques was born. Encouraged by three years of success and great demand from many of his repeat customers, Charles opened a second Aardvark store in 2001. Aardvark, Jr. was born a year later in Oakwood, carrying unique garden accents and architectural pieces.
Aardvark Antiques 4316 Mundy Mill Rd. Oakwood, GA |
Known among his friends and patrons for his honesty, trustworthiness, knowledge and friendly customer service, Charles explains the "real" secret behind his business success: "I know that when people purchase something from any of my stores, they leave happy. And, I love making people happy."
Why the name Aardvark? Stop the store; Charles will be glad to tell you the story and show you a large selection of beautiful items.
We invite you, friends and neighbors, to come by the store and see us. We are in the process of making some changes and updating things. We appreciate you and we love our community. God Bless America and God Bless Oakwood!
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